Bikini Line Hair Removal - Beach Blues
Bikini line hair removal is fast catching on as more and more women want the area that is exposed by the bikini to be clear of hair. This can be embarrassing as many bikinis are not designed to cover those parts of the anatomy that are likely to sprout hair and wearing bikinis that use more cloth is not an option for these candidates.
Do It Yourself or Let A Beautician Do It for You
In most cases it is better for a trained beautician to carry out the bikini line hair removal for you as you may not be able to remove all the hair or might just apply the lotion or cream to the sensitive areas and cause yourself some discomfort in the process. Though there are many bikini line hair removal processes available, few can be carried out personally.
Methods of Bikini Line Hair Removal
Whatever the method you use for bikini line hair removal always remember never to wet the region with water before removing the hair. If you are applying some lotion or cream then always test the product on a small part of the skin before applying it on a wider surface. You never know when you will erupt into an allergic reaction to the chemical. When you are ready to proceed with the bikini line hair removal procedure you must clean the area with some disinfectant and wipe it dry with a moist towel then wait for the area to dry completely before proceeding with the rest of the cleaning.
If you are shaving the area you must never use a switchblade but only a safety razor made for the purpose. After the bikini line hair removal you must exfoliate the skin with a sponge to prevent the dead skin to force the hair from growing inward and causing extreme discomfort.
About the Positions
You must sit in a chair with your feet above your waist and your legs spread wide apart. Or sit with one leg above your waist and the other on the floor. The objective of these positions is to have the bikini line to be spread as taut as possible; this will ensure minimum discomfort while waxing or shaving. Never shave against the growth as this will cause in hair growth.
Electrolysis or laser treatment for bikini line hair removal is the best and most permanent method of bikini line hair removal, as this treatment does not leave any discoloration of the skin. This is something all the other methods, except waxing, cannot guarantee.
You can try laser hair removal to permanently get rid of unwanted hair. Find out also cost of laser hair removal here.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Al_Falaq_Arsendatama